
Differenz System

We make a difference

Business Analysis Consulting Services


At Differenz System, we will work with you on all your business designs/redesigns, feasibility studies, and developmental options for seamless implementation. It is important for us to undertake your business with the requirements and business analysis in accordance with the industry’s best practices.

With each of our Business Analysis and Consultancy projects, we not only make sure to add value from day one but also to try quickly hone into your business problems. We want to leave your business with results that will have a lasting and positive impact for many years to come.


Our team of qualified technical business analysts can work on your business process designs/re-designs, feasibility studies, and further options to develop for your company. In the process, we make sure to follow requirements and business analysis in accordance with the industry’s best practices.

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Two male employees discussing business related analysis
Person using dart arrow to depict strategy development


Differenz Systems is here to help identify all your potential problems with your operating business environment. From the beginning, we make sure to be in constant communication with you to develop your business strategy. Our goal is to give your business back with an optimal operating environment to avoid potential future risks. We also ensure that all of your IT business needs are in line with your specific mission, objectives, and strategy for long-term success and growth.


Depending on your unique business requirements, we will put together a detailed and functional specification document. We will then offer you technical specifications with our internal program models consisting of data structures, relational database models, and more.

Functional and technical specifications as part of business requirement